Friday, September 17, 2004

Let There Be "Light"

"Light"--one of the few words my son is now speaking with any sort of clarity. Of course along with this comes his fascination with lights, especially turning light switches on and off, even if it means tumbling off places where he shouldn't be. Sigh. How do they survive past this age! Whew!

He also says "baby" with some clarity, but I worry. For example, this morning as I dropped him off at day care, I couldn't coax one word out of him to say that he's hungry. Instead he cries, grabs cups off the countertop, fusses, etc. Does everything but utter a sound, a squeak so he would say he's hungry. I ask him, "Jimmy, do you want to eat?" While I'm doing this, I make the sign for eat (I've taught him a couple signs--"more" and "eat" are the only ones he's ever learned, although I tried to teach him "milk" and "banana"). Well, now a days he doesn't even give me the sign for eat, he just whines and cries. I guess I'll keep trying, but I worry.

We do play a little game to get him to say "milk." I say "MMMMMMMilk!" And he gets the "MMMMMMM" part and then says "ucky uck," so he's clearly trying to pronounce it. And more and more words are coming out and they're more and more clear. Heck sometimes he says things with such clarity, I say to my husband, "Did you hear that?!?"

He can laugh like the Count on Sesame Street and he's said "Uh-oh" like the Teletubbies at least once. And he mimics and can point to his nose and ears (I ask him where his eyes are and he points to his, he's learning!).

Well, at least I can hear him say let there be "light" and lots of it!

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