Tuesday, March 21, 2006

What Have I Been Up To?!?

Geesh, I know that I haven't posted to this post in a long, long time, but a YEAR?!?? Whew! Well, what a year it's been! Jimmy is now three, has been attending preschool (half days) since August 2005, and, well, life just continues to get more and more interesting. He is getting ready to attend preschool (a "Total Communication" classroom) for the summer and for full days in the fall. His language problems have been steadily improving since he's been attending preschool, but he has a ways to go. I have his annual review with the school this week, which will hopefully cement all of these things happening. He is still a big boy (over 38 lbs!) and growing like a weed. The picture above is from fall while raking leaves in our front yard.

We've been in our house just over a year and while paying the bills is not easy, it is worth it. What a difference! We will get Jimmy's big boy bed with Spiderman sheets and comforter this weekend, so this is yet another milestone I'm looking forward to.

Work is wild and crazy but just as enjoyable. I hope to write a little more regularly but I can never promise anything!