Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Pink Eye, Tumbling Diaper Bags, and The Wee Morning Hours

I wish someone would have told me that having a child would entail things like giving them eye drops for pink eye. I had to wrap my Jimmy up in a blanket to hold try to keep his arms still, pin him down and then TRY to pry his eyes open enough to put a drop in each one. Just one more wrestling match with a toddler I guess. Thankfully now the drops are over and by the end, I have to say Jimmy was a trooper but boy am I leery if I see him rub his eyes!

The other big event of the week involved the diaper bag. I picked Jimmy up at his sitter's house, and before I put him in the car, I placed the bag on the roof of my truck since the ground was muddy and wet. I strapped Jimmy in, took off driving, la de da, and got on the highway without a care in the world. As I merged on, I saw something tumbling in the road and thought "Who would be throwing something out like that?!?" It was about three seconds later when I realized it was the diaper bag. At the same time, a car drove up on my left and motioned to me. I mouthed to them, "I know, I know, I just realized it was my diaper bag." Sigh. So I had to drive a half mile to do an illegal U-turn, people beeping at me the whole time. Sorry but I had to do it. Anyways, it just so happened that my bag fell in the road across from the next U-turn spot in the opposite direction. Wasn't the bag smack in the middle of the two lanes! I crossed my fingers that the bag itself hadn't been run over. I had suntan lotion (don't ask), baby powder and a couple other things that would have been a mess. His shoes, socks, one mitten and a notebook containing notes from sessions with a teacher were strewn across the highway. Well, albeit it was dangerous, I had to get the stuff. I first ran out and got the bag itself. It hadn't been run over and most everything was still inside. Next one shoe, then the other, then one sock, then the next, and the mitten blew towards me due to the motion of the trucks and cars driving by. I recovered one diaper (figured I shouldn't litter), and lastly I got the notebook which was pretty much a casualty but I felt I had to get it. I guess I was lucky that there were enough gaps in traffic that I could rescue everything. If I had driven all the way home, I'd probably forget it, but since I saw it happen and knew where it was, I had to go back. They were brand new shoes!

Lastly, Jimmy has taken to getting up at "the butt crack of dawn" as my sister says. He's been getting up at 4, 4:30. Let's just say it's TOO EARLY. I wish he would just crawl into bed and doze off with me, but he gets into bed, lays down on top of me, shoves his face into mine, babbles, sometimes does he recitation of the alphabet or numbers. He sometimes says "Barney" or "Elmo." Sigh. Can't sleep through that. I'd keep him up later at night, but I'm usually so tired that I WANT him to go to bed at his normal time (about 8 o'clock most nights). Maybe this year, I'll actually appreciate day light savings time, since he'll be up at 5:30 instead of 4:30, but in the end it'll backfire because if I put him to bed at 8 o'clock, he'll think it's only 7 o'clock. No rest for the wicked I guess.